Jury Regulations
- These Rules define the principles of the work of the Competition Jury of the CSR Poland Awards (2024 edition).
- The Competition Chapter operates on the basis of these Rules and the Competition Regulations.
- The Award Committee consists of the Award Committee Chairman and 4 Award Committee Members.
- The Chairman and members of the Chapter are appointed by the Competition Organiser.
- The work of the Committee is assisted by the Secretary, whose task is to count the points, keep records of the debates and prepare the final minutes.
- The Committee is obliged to act in a manner ensuring objectivity in the assessment of applications.
- The members of the Chapter are obliged to keep the information about the competition winners confidential until the official announcement.
- The members of the Chapter are obliged to carefully read the competition applications and make their own judgement, without suggesting personal knowledge of the competition participants.
- Members of the Chapter shall abstain from voting in the case of candidates with a conflict of interest.
- In the event that a member of the Chapter is unable to make an assessment for independent reasons, he or she may nominate a substitute. If he/she fails to do so, the deliberations will take place in a reduced composition.
1. Selection of the winners will take place by secret ballot (voting may be preceded by discussion) during 3 stages:
- Stage I – selection of up to 6 nominees from each category on the basis of a simple majority of votes.
- Stage II – qualifying 3 nominations for the award.
- Stage III – selection of the winner from among the nominations qualified for the award.
2. Evaluation at stage I consists of:
- filling in the Evaluation Card and awarding from 0 to 5 points for each evaluation criterion,
- the sum of points for each nomination constitutes a single assessment by each Member of the Chapter,
- the average of the individual assessments constitutes the Jury’s Assessment,
- The 6 entries with the highest Competition Chapter Score proceed to the second stage.
3. Assessment at the second stage consists of:
- discussion about selected nominations,
- selecting 3 nominations eligible for the award.
4. Assessment at the second stage consists of:
- discussing the selected nominations,
- filling in the Voting Card and granting 1 vote for the best project,
- the nomination with the highest number of votes wins in a given category, the remaining 2 receive distinctions,
- in the event of a tie, the Chapter decides to repeat the voting or to award the prize ex aequo.
5. In the event of a dispute, the President of the Committee shall have the casting vote.
6. The selection of the winners must take place no later than 11.03.2024.
- The composition of the Jury shall be made public after the award of the competition in order to avoid any influence on the decision of the Jury members.
- The minutes of the deliberations will be available for inspection at the Competition Organiser after the winners have been selected.
- Any changes to these Rules must be made in writing and will come into effect when the current version is published on the csrpoland.pl website.
Krakow, 24.10.2024